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It's no shocker that I love all things industrial, and that I enjoy mixing industrial items with a modern farmhouse style. Mixing wood and metal are my two favorite things to incorporate into any space. We all have our thing right? So when I found this mirror from West Elm and I knew I needed something like that in our Master Bedroom. However, working with actual metal can be a bit difficult and require special drill bits and screws, so today we are going to make this mirror without using any actual metal, but rather craft paint!
Plaid's Brushed Metal Paint comes in 10 on-trend colors that creates a luster with colors that shift in changing light. It's an easy water-based, non-toxic brush-on formula available in both 2oz and 4 oz bottles. This paint can be used indoors or outdoors and is made in the USA!
In order to follow this Metal and Wood Floor Mirror Tutorial we will have to do a little prep work, but I'll walk you through each step!
- Mirror - 16"x60" (You can use any size, you will just need to adjust the wood cuts accordingly)
- Plywood - ¾" 4'x8' sheet
- 1"x4" board cut to width of mirror
- 1 ½" Wide Lattice Moulding
- FolkArt Brushed Metal™ - Brushed Black or Brushed Dark Gray
- FolkArt Brushes
- FolkArt ® Painted Finishes in Barnwood
- Mirror Adhesive
- Ryobi Miter Saw
- Ryobi Finish Nailer
- ⅝" Finish Nails
- 1" Finish Nails
- Ryobi Sander
- Ryobi Table Saw
- Wood Glue
DIY Industrial Metal and Wood Floor Mirror Tutorial
To get started you will want to measure your mirror carefully. Mine was exactly 15 ⅞" wide (not 16" like it said on the box). Cut (2) 1x3's at your measured length. Lay 1 one against the top edge and 1 against the bottom edge. Then Measure from the very top to the very bottom. You can go ahead and use the FolkArt ® Painted Finishes in Barnwood and stain these (2) 1x3's and let dry.
Next Cut a piece of plywood to the total sizes of your mirror plus 1x3's and rip it down to that size using a table saw.
Using the 1" finish nails and wood glue attach the 1x4 to the top and bottom of the plywood. Be sure and attach from the back side of the plywood rather than to front. Make sure to clamp the boards together until the wood glue dries. (Make sure the mirror will fit before securing both boards)
In order to apply the mirror to the plywood (between the 1x3's) use the Mirror Adhesive following the manufacturer's instructions and allow to dry.
Next cut the lattice trim to the full length of the mirror (including the 1x3's). Paint all sides using the Brushed Metal paint. In order to achieve the look of the flat steel bars I'm replicating here I layered two different colors. Here is my process, making sure to let each coat dry in between:
1 coat of the Brushed Black Brushed Metal Paint.
1 coat of the Brushed Dark Gray Brushed Metal Paint.
Then dry brushed another very thin coat of the Brushed Black Brushed Metal Paint.
Once dry attach the lattice trim to the sides of the ¾" plywood using ⅝" finish nails.
You can either mount the mirror directly to the wall or hang it. I suggest hanging with a french cleat (these work well). If you decide to let it lean, secure it with this or something similar.
I hope you enjoyed this knock off and are ready to paint for yourself! What projects do you see yourself using this for??
Charlotte Lindsay
This mirror turned out so well, great job. Decorating with mirrors is a go to for every rooms home decor. They bring light to the room, make a space appear larger, and with so many different mirror designs they add to your rooms decor. I love the mirror you make is in a gray tone it creates a sense of hygge to your room.
Erlene Amat
I love the look of this mirror and that brushed metal paint will be making it into my craft stash 🙂 Thanks for sharing this on the Merry Monday party.
[email protected]
Awesome result! Looking to make this for my wife. I just scored a cheap mirror and going to go get the supplies. Any idea what time commitment this entails? Do I need to clear out an entire afternoon for this or even longer?
Nice idea, thank you, can you please give some more information about wall mounting the same my mirror size is 3 x 5 feet
I was googling how to make a full length mirror frame and found your site - thanks for the corner clamping bit, I'd never heard of that and was wondering how I would be able to clamp mitered corners. I've had a cheap full length mirror from COLLEGE (I'm 36) sitting in my garage since I moved in and had been wondering what to do with it. Thanks for the great tutorial!
Aluminium fabrications
Very innovative and useful. I've already started building one just like this one. Thanks for the idea though.
stainless steel
Awesome result! Looking to make this for my wife. I just scored a cheap mirror and going to go get the supplies. Any idea what time commitment this entails? Do I need to clear out an entire afternoon for this or even longer?
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