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I love to decorate rooms! It's no surprise... you know, with the blog and all ; ) But I truly do love it!! However, with my husband working in the ministry sometimes it does weigh heavy on my heart when I see so many people going without the necessities, and yet I find this joy in decorating. I decided a while ago that one day, when my children are a little older, in school, and I have some extra time on my hands, that I would love to use my blog to help those in need! I see myself redoing kitchens for the elderly. Fixing up rooms for single moms and families who have been unemployed. I see it as a way to take my joy and spread it to those around me in need! I haven't worked out any details at all, but it is something that is constantly working in my brain.
My husband is such an awesome man, and he brags on me quite a bit at the church. And so this fun little adventure begins....
Our church is starting something called "The Starting Point". It is a place for those who are curious to ask more questions about our church, what we believe, who God is, and so much more! We will have 2 different rooms dedicated to this and I was asked to decorate both of them. I was so excited at first and was full of ideas, now I'm pretty much just overwhelmed, lol. These rooms are HUGE. It is kind of a challenge to make these huge "office" type rooms feel cozy and quaint. I am by no means an interior designer... I am very visual... I have to see it in the space to know if it works. I need to touch things and sit in front of them. My deadline for this is September 14th, so say a little prayer for me cause I'm also not fast when it comes to decorating.... I'm more of a drink coffee and dwell kind of person!
I'm excited to share some of the projects that will come from this and take you along the journey with me. For now... I will leave you with my inspiration board.
Do you have any tips on how to make big spaces feel cozy? I'm all ears! : )
Follow Cherished Bliss's board Church Room Design Ideas on Pinterest.
Ashley, this is so awesome! I can't wait to see what you do!